Chip Slicer is used to slice materials into uniform thicknesses or segments -

Chip Slicer Assists Value-Add @

  • Uniform slices: Ensures consistent slice thickness for better drying and quality control.
  • Increased productivity: Speeds up the slicing process compared to manual cutting.
  • Customizable slices: Allows adjustment to meet specific production requirements.
  • Durability: Built to withstand continuous operation and provide long-term service.
Components of Chip Slicer -

Structure Parts

Principle for Better –


Drum Peeler - SnLuck
  • The chip slicer works by using a motor to drive the cutting blades.
  • The materials are fed into the machine through the adjustable feed mechanism.
  • Sliced into the desired thickness as they pass through the rotating blades.
Easy Use of Chip Slicer -


High Capacity Slice Equipment Snluck Industry
  • 1
    Before starting, ensure the machine is properly installed and all safety guards are in place.
  • 2
    Select the appropriate cutting blades based on the desired slice thickness.
  • 3
    Adjust the feed mechanism to control the material input rate.
  • 4
    Use the control panel to set the slicing speed and thickness.
  • 5

    Button-push to start the machine and carefully feed the materials into the hopper.

  • 6

    Monitor the slicing process and make necessary adjustments.

  • 7

    Button-push to turn off the machine and clean the blades and the working area.

Practical Use Builds Reliable Equipment –

Standard Model

Practics Makes Perfect –

Projects & Plans with SnLuck

Mango Dehydrating Project Introduction by Snluck Industry

cassava drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.

Banana Chunks Dehydrating Project by Snluck Industry

Apricot Dehydrating Project Introduction by Snluck Industry

Apple drying project equipment introduction by Snluck Industry.